TRS Rose Auction Process

Our typical November TRS Live Rose Auction Process

Coming to one of our live auctions? It will be fun & a bit hectic. Here’s a 2 page snapshot of the 2024 process for you to print out that may help.

When you print it out you can make notes and bring it to the auction or any monthly meeting as a reference. We will have quality photos of each of the roses in bloom to show on our big screen as they come up for auction. Obviously, in November, we can’t see as much about the rose as we would in the garden center, but the images are a big help.

The Auction Roses are inside the church hall, and many are show quality & locally grown for our climate. Plus, there are some $15 fixed-price roses for fill-in spots in your garden staged outside. Many of us have been pleasantly surprised by these inexpensive ones, come Spring . . .

This image is just the start. In 2024, we’ll have 50 roses from 1 TRS household, many extra-large roses in pots, plus a generous (again) donation from Raft Island Roses in Gig Harbor. ( Thanks Mike . . 🌹 ) If you’re looking for potted flowering perennials, we often have those as well.

Once the plants are sold & labeled with your bidder number & price, we set them outside for loading into your car or truck at the end of the auction. We even have some modest delivery capability on a case-by-case basis. Visit with one of our members to discuss this possibility when you arrive . . .

Scroll on the image to get to the 2nd page. Click on the BLUE LINK to read it in your PDF reader – or click on the RED BUTTON to download it into your computer . .

I hope this helps you to want to visit – and enjoy the live auction. I’ll add more images from the 2024 auction, hopefully with some silly hats . . .

This one fun night of plant selling is the single largest fund-raiser we have each year, and the amount of work that goes into it behind the scenes before & after is staggering. So, be kind to your friends & be a little patient with the process – they’re probably already tired before the first gravel drops. Thanks.

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